Captain’s Game of the Year 2016


2016 has been one of the best years, if not the best (depending on who you ask), in gaming history. While 2015 gave us great games like Fallout 4, Metal Gear Solid 5, The Witcher 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and more. 2016 came with its own set of great games and left most of us happy and satisfied.

This list only contains the games that I have played for the year 2016. Games like Firewatch, Dishonored 2, and Deus Ex Mankind Divided did not make the cut, as I haven’t got a look at those games yet. Of course, these rankings are only true to my opinion with the only criteria being its OVERALL GREATNESS.

Honorable Mentions

Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising might be my favorite game of the year. But that does not mean the game should also be the best. It is one of the most fun games I have played in a while now. And this is what gaming is all about. Having fun.

Quantum Break

Quantum Break could’ve ranked higher on this list. Great narrative, good gameplay, astonishing graphics, and good music. But one thing remained to be an obvious problem, CONTENT. It is still one of those games you need to play if you like a story-driven game. Remedy is still one of the top developers in terms of making story games.

Ratchet and Clank

Ratchet is probably one of my favorite Playstation heroes, just second to Sly. I was unable to finish this game, but so far, from what I’ve played I could easily recommend this game to my Xbox friends who plans on buying a PS4.

Watch Dogs 2

Just like RnC, I am still playing this through as of the time of writing. And boy, this is hell lot better than the first one! The game is lively, colorful, and fun to play with. If you are a Watch Dog believer that got disappointed with the first game, you should definitely try and play Watch Dogs 2.

Forza Horizon 3

Best. Racing. Game. Ever. Need I say more?

Batman A Telltale Series

Telltale did a great job on making their version of Batman and its universe. Boasting the toughest telltale game yet! And when I say tough, that means the choices. The blend of Bruce Wayne and Batman is really good, and never seen on video games up until this game.

Top 5

5: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

Uncharted 4 is the definitive game on Playstation 4. Every playstation gamer should play this. Hell, every gamer should play this! But this is most enjoyed if you will play all of the games in the Uncharted series.

Uncharted 4 Review (PS4)


Wow. I never expected DOOM to be in my list. I was never interested in DOOM in the first place. Playing in hell, too much gore, and heavy metal was not really my taste. But DOOM did it great. I was blown away by the smooth gameplay mechanics, great graphics, and -absolute mother-fucking hardcoreness!!!


3: Gears of War 4

Gears of War 4 still proved that this series is still one of the most valuable franchises in gaming history. The campaign had me at the edge of my seat, the versus multiplayer is better than ever, but Horde 3.0 sealed the deal to make Gears 4 the 3rd best game of 2016 in my humble opinion.

Gears of War 4 Review (Xbox One)

2: Dark Souls 3

In all fairness, the Souls, BloodBorne series is the type of game my brother enjoys better than me. But guess what? I got the completion for Dark Souls 3. 1000/1000GS baby. It was necessary to punish myself in able to get to coveted achievement. I was so addicted to this game. Played it 4 times(tied with Dead Space as my most played  game ever). The only way to stop me from playing this was to get all achievements. And I did it. It was a fun and tough ride from start to beginning! And the pain is satisfying.


Dark Souls 3 Review (Xbox One)

GOTY: Inside

Yes, of all AAA games I played for the year 2016, an Indie won my GOTY, and especially my heart. This game is the true definition of a MASTERPIECE. The game had me in awe from the time I bought it, up until today. Although it did not feature voice acting or even any script, the game still had a strong narrative, having some of the best moments I have seen in gaming history. The game felt well paced from start to finish. Nothing was rushed and forced, making sense why the puzzles aren’t hard enough. If the game was shorter or longer than it is, I won’t be saying this about the game,the game is just perfect. Playdead Studios, the developers of Limbo and now Inside did a magnificent job.


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